Summary critique of The Cheltenham Plan and JCS
Both documents need to be read a few times to understand them and get used to the layout. They are both quite wordy and would benefit form some word reduction. There should really be simple versions available as is good practice. Because they are government documents and local documents the language and style is a kind of in house style rather than universal.
They are time consuming to read. Colour sections help to identify what needs to be read and makes it easier to get through both documents. There is a lot of introduction and setting out the stall eg how we go to that point. A lot of policies sound like they may apply so need to be read but on reading them they often contain nothing of relevance. Part of the art of reading it and absorbing it is to scan through it all but then find what pertains and focus in on what is relevant to the issue or issues or development eg what affects or may affect North Place.
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