My drawing of cover of the book, The Orchard, a year in England's Eden, by Benedict Macdonald. Source - advert seen for it in The English Garden, August 2020, Pg 107.

 I liked the simplicity of this cover as I did the Beachcombers Report which I drew after this.

Like the Beachcombers Report it has few images that suit the title ideally and reinforce it.  Here there is a woodpecker which stands for a wood supporting wildlife.  There was no mouse as this is depicted as an idyllic woodland but I drew the hollow cavity of the tree and then felt something needed to live in it. Eco system thrives as shown by the butterfly.

In the distance there is a manmade structure, a beehive.  This shows that the area is under human management as orchards usually are.

Original of book cover for The Orchard

n the distance there is a beehive which indicates that this nature area is managed by humans as there is a manufactured  structure built for bee. Orchards usually indicate an area that has human input as well as animal.


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