Designer - Roberto Burle Marx known for texture

 Roberto Burle Marx Born 4 Aug 1909, Sao Paulo, Brazil.  Died 4 June 1994, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil aged 84 years.

Reference used: Influential Gardeners by Andrew Wilson, Publ Octopus 2002

Profile: "He changed the face of garden design." He was an artist. He had benefited from "training in which artists were taught architecture and architects invited to paint. After painting a mural for the new ministry of Health and Education in Rio de Janeiro, he designed the building's roof garden . .then an extensive range of gardens and landscapes around modern houses and government buildings . .mainly in his native Brazil, particularly in Rio and the new native capital Brasilia. His flatplans have the quality of paintings. Three-dimensional qualities normally "typify his work."

He chose to use "richly textured" plants. He is one of the "most influential designers of the twentieth century, and his penchant for large blocks or drifts, of planting has been a particularly strong force in landscape and garden design in the second half of the period."

Brazil's Vargem Grande Farm, Burle Marx transformed the grounds in 1979

Chosen because I personally like water and water features and lily pads.  I like the dramatic twist accentuated by red on what is a common pond feature ie lily pads


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