Q - A reflection on letter Q. I search you here, I search you there. I could not find you in the natural anywhere.
What use would a letter Q form be in the landscape, in our natural world? Well it could be a tributary to a circular moat. It could be a jetty or a walkway to a lake with an island in the middle to create more likeness with Q rather than O by the centre being filled in by the island. It could be a discarded polo mint with the wrapper elongated and left next to it. It could be a round flower bed with a seat coming from bottom right front end or raised flower bed coming from a round flower bed in same place. It could be an appendage to a natural ocurring mound.
Would it be pleasing to the eye? It could be as it would break away from the more common O or circular shape. It could therefore add interest.
It can be found in Cheltenham in the lettering for names such as Quaker House or the Queen's Hotel.
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