
Showing posts from November, 2023

My drawing from a trace of rockwork at Brambletye by Gertrude Jekyll. Pg 149 of The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll by Richard Bisgrove.

Influenced by The Healing Landscape by Martha M Tyson. Two mini drawings and a depiction from her of the Golden Spiral.

Attempt at depicting trees influenced by Pg 56 of Landscape and Garden Design Sketchbooks by Tim Richardson.

Attempt at using charcoal nd pencil to draw stark trees. Informed by cover of Landscape and Garden Design Sketchbooks by Tim Richardson.

Drawing of Beach Huts by me

My depiction of The Birds by Christian Azolan

Short November tribute by me for those killed and injured in war. Poppy theme.

Informed by artwork seen at Clapham Court during open week. Clapham Court, Gloucester will be demolished next year. Photo of actual art work included later on in blog.

Informed by the painting, Dancer Seen From Behind, c 1873 by Edgar Degas. Original is diluted oil paint on prepared pink paper.

Informed by the Painting, Le Reve by Pablo Picasso, 1932, oil on canvas.

Grid format used by Varoom to put my own drawing sequence in

From Varoom, Issue 42, 2021. Illustration and Intimacy. Cloud Watching by Laura Carlin

Ode to jellies

Bus with steam railway advert on

Primark face Sweatshirt